Ways to Give

Upholding Franklin's Promise as 'The University of Opportunity.'

Franklin alumni have always been regarded as leaders in their fields, making innovative contributions to their work places and communities, with those contributions extending far beyond new ideas and achievements. They impact and help transform the future of current students and their alma mater.  

A leader in adult education, mg不朽情缘游戏网址已经发展壮大,为美国和全球的学生提供服务. Through its International Institute for Innovative Instruction, 通过为不同的学习者群体设计引人入胜的加速学习体验,大学能够影响更多学生的教育. mg不朽情缘游戏网址继续为每一位mg不朽情缘试玩学生提供同样的“现实世界”教育,这是mg不朽情缘游戏网址超过115年的标志. All of this good work could only be done because of alumni like you!

请考虑今天捐款,为未来的校友提供更多的机会和成功. Because Franklin is a nonprofit university, contributions are tax deductible and every penny given goes to support our students. 无论你的礼物有多少,通过共同努力,mg不朽情缘游戏网址都能带来积极的影响.

Thank you for helping Franklin to truly be the “University of Opportunity.”

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Franklin University Giving Options

1902 Campaign

mg不朽情缘游戏网址向1902名mg不朽情缘游戏网址校友发起挑战,要求他们承诺每月定期捐款19美元.02. If you 1,902 alumni stand with us and show their support, current Franklin students can achieve their dream of earning a degree!

Dr. Alex Heckman Public Administration Scholarship

The Dr. Alex Heckman公共管理奖学金是为公共管理专业的学生设立的. Dr. 赫克曼是俄亥俄大学的忠实成员,他对公共管理研究的热情推动了他帮助俄亥俄中部社区的经验.

Alumni Military Scholarship

Our University’s name sake, Benjamin Franklin, was keenly aware of the value and sacrifice associated with military service, 因为正是在这种服务的肩膀上,mg不朽情缘游戏网址宪法制定者的梦想才得以实现. 今天,军人、退伍军人和他们的家人继续着同样的服务传统.

Following Benjamin Franklin’s appreciation for the military, 学校设立校友军事奖学金,面向各军种现役军人, their spouses or dependents, and veterans.

你们的支持将帮助那些保卫mg不朽情缘游戏网址伟大的国家和自由的人们. 请大家今天捐一份礼物给mg不朽情缘试玩校友军事奖学金基金.

Community College Scholarship

您对社区学院奖学金的捐赠将用于支持从mg不朽情缘游戏网址的合作学校获得副学士学位的转学生. Roughly 7,每年有1000名学生就读mg不朽情缘游戏网址,其中三分之一直接来自社区大学, allowing your donation to the Community College Scholarship to make a lasting impact.

Diversity and Inclusion Scholarship

mg不朽情缘游戏网址多元化和包容性奖学金将支持和指导来自历史上代表性不足的人口统计学的学生. 该奖学金将为mg不朽情缘游戏网址的学生提供在提升专业水平的同时实现专业目标的机会. 该奖学金包括每学年一次的奖励,以抵消学生的学费,但接受者可以每年申请该奖项.

Excellence Fund

mg不朽情缘游戏网址的卓越基金的捐款直接用于持续改善mg不朽情缘游戏网址的学生mg不朽情缘试玩的经验,如奖学金, enhancing student support services, upgrading technology hardware and software, refreshing classrooms and other campus facilities, and/or supporting the research, development, and implementation of new academic programs and other initiatives. A gift to the Excellence Fund offers the broadest impact.

Franklin University Doctoral Scholarship Fund

设立的目的是通过提供财政援助来补充该计划的360度支持, 新的博士奖学金基金帮助mg不朽情缘试玩的博士生带来更高水平的技术, technological, research, communication and leadership skills to the workplace or classroom.

Health Care and Nursing Achievement Scholarship Fund


Leadership Circle Scholarship

The Leadership Circle Scholarship, established in 2009, 每年颁发给对当地社区的经济和/或社会利益做出积极贡献的本科生和研究生. This competitive scholarship requires students to write an essay comparing their drive, tenacity and entrepreneurial spirit, to that of the University’s namesake Benjamin Franklin. Donors to the Leadership Circle Scholarship make an annual contribution of $1,902 in tribute to the year Franklin University was established.

如果你想为领导力圈奖学金做出贡献,并加入这个对学生成功产生影响的精英捐助者团体, click on the give button today.

Make It Possible Fund

Together, we can make a difference by giving students the tools to succeed. The Make It Possible Fund gives you, as a graduate of Franklin University, the unique opportunity to pay it forward to those who will come after you. 你对Make It Possible基金的捐款将直接用于帮助那些经济困难的学生. This gift could be used to help with the purchase of a book, fees, 或者任何其他与教育相关的需求,学生可能需要额外的一点帮助来实现完成学位的梦想.  

今天加入mg不朽情缘游戏网址,帮助“让它成为可能”,让其他人实现大学学位的梦想. 任何礼物都不能对你的同学和mg不朽情缘试玩校友家庭的未来成员产生直接的影响. 

Planned Giving

Making It Possible: Now and for Years to Come


因为mg不朽情缘游戏网址继续是一所致力于提供以学生为中心的教育机会的大学, both now and in the future, we rely upon the generosity of alumni and friends for assistance.

While there are multiple ways to support Franklin’s mission of providing high quality, 相关的教育,使尽可能广泛的学习者社区实现他们的目标,丰富世界, 一份精心策划的礼物是为帮助当今成人学习者的需要和捐赠者的意图而量身定做的.

By establishing a planned gift, you not only help prepare Franklin students for roles of leadership, service and professional accomplishments, 你也确保了你在大学未来的地位,并创造了一个持久的提醒,提醒你的慷慨和你对mg不朽情缘试玩教育的信念. Furthermore, 计划捐赠使mg不朽情缘游戏网址能够战略性地计划现有项目的改进,并为全国和世界各地的学生开发新的教育机会.

For more information on planned giving opportunities at Franklin University, contact Aaron Cassady, alumni engagement coordinator, at 614.947.6062 or email alumni@aproteka.com. mg不朽情缘游戏网址将共同努力,在现在和未来的岁月里继续“使之成为可能”.

*As with any estate planning decision, consult your legal, 财务和税务顾问,就适用的州和联邦法律提供建议和信息.